
Bringing finance and sustainability together as one…


Early bird deadline: 4 April
Main entry deadline: 16 May
Extended entry deadline: 23 May
Award ceremony: 5 November

The Global Good Finance Awards bring finance and sustainability together as one, shining the light on those who are leading a just transition to a sustainable future..

The finance sector faces significant challenges in addressing the climate and nature crisis, but it also holds the power and influence to drive meaningful change. Harnessing this potential is essential to overcoming the crisis.

The Global Good Finance Awards are a major new high-quality programme, run by a globally respected organisation aimed specifically at the finance sector, designed to focus attention on its role in meeting that challenge, and spotlight those who are already responding to it, in a way which encourages others to follow their example.

It’s aimed at any organisation that is serious about catalysing finance’s potential to do good – whether that’s a major bank or investment house, or a disruptive, game-changing new entrant to the space.

Changing the world is possible.

Who are the awards for?

The GGFA are designed for organisations all across the financial sector, both B2B and B2C, including:

  • Banks (Retail, Commercial, Investment, Charity)

  • Investment (Wealth Management, Private Equity, Investors, Fund/Asset Management)

  • Financial products (eg Bonds, ISAs)

  • Insurance

  • Fintech

  • Financial communications

  • Transition Finance

  • Professional services for the finance sector:- such as consultants, accountancy and tax advisors, law.

“Only when the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, and the last stream poisoned, you will realise that you cannot eat money.”

— Cree India Proverb

Any questions…?

If you have any questions about the awards, or are interested in becoming a sponsor, then please get in touch. If you would like to register your interest to enter, and be kept up to date with the programme and key dates, then please complete this form.