Insurance DataLab
Insurance DataLab
Insurance DataLab delivers award-winning market intelligence on the performance of all types of insurance companies - insurers, Lloyd’s syndicates, managing general agents, and broking firms. The Insurance DataLab Insight Platform provides access to a broad range of data compiled from trusted external sources and its own proprietary research, covering key areas including underwriting results, financial performance, solvency, claims management, complaint handling, and customer experience.
Insurance DataLab also publishes market reports, hosts webinars, and offers a bespoke research service to produce customised reports, presentations, and in-depth market analysis tailored to meet specific business needs. With hundreds of thousands of data points representing £100bn in annual gross written premiums and featuring more than 1,000 insurance companies, Insurance DataLab empowers finance, strategy, and compliance teams to benchmark performance, comply with regulatory requirements, and make smarter business decisions.
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