Sustainable Finance Leader of the Year


This award is open to organisations or individuals wishing to enter someone who has shown outstanding leadership in promoting responsible and ethical practices within their chosen field / organisation in the financial services sector. This can include individuals in any position in the organisation, from CEO to administrative assistant – but they do need to be able to demonstrate that they’ve achieved really significant, game-changing impact. So while this does not remotely rule out a winner emerging from a more junior role, they would need to have achieved an impact disproportionate to their direct responsibilities.

Key achievements will include one or more major initiatives in purpose-driven sustainable finance, in which the individual leader has played a significant role. The judges will assess the extent and range of achievements and must see evidence of how the individual has led within their team or organisation; the degree of creativity and innovation that has been shown in taking forward the initiative(s); the extent to which the entrant has shown leadership within their sector and has influenced colleagues and third parties; and the personal commitment demonstrated by the entrant to be a voice for sustainable finance practices.

Judges’ consideration will be given to financial sector leaders who have created meaningful change in the way that social and environmental challenges are addressed through financial products and / or financial service providers.


Judges will be looking for evidence of progress on the following points (weighting percentages in brackets):

  • The individual leader’s innovation and creativity in their approach to purpose driven leadership (30%)

  • Evidence of success of their initiatives with verifiable data to support assertions as to reach and impact (30%)

  • A demonstration of an ongoing commitment to work with colleagues to bring them along on the sustainability / social impact journey; ensuring projects and initiatives are collaborative, long-term efforts (30%)

  • Evidence of the individual’s long-term passion for sustainability, ethical behaviours and community engagement, and whether they dedicate personal time and resources in support of social responsibility (10%)

Any confidential data will be treated as such and only shared with the judging panel, all of whom will have signed NDAs.